What Makes an Effective Table Tent?

Table Tent: When you’re starting out in a new business, launching and executing a successful marketing campaign is crucial to your initial success. After all, if you can’t lure in customers, your business won’t survive for long. Of course, if you’re overspending on your marketing budget, you’ll also find your company headed for an early grave. That’s why targeted marketing that can save you some money is essential for any new business.

Now, you’ve likely taken to social media and you’re working to establish a presence among your relevant community of buyers. But what about some real-world tactics to beef up your customer response? A table tent is an old school marketing trick that can have an enormously positive impact on your business.

Why are table tents effective in Los Angeles, CA? Read on to find out!

What is a table tent?

You’ve undoubtedly seen a table tent before, even if you didn’t realize it. These marketing tools are ubiquitous at restaurants across the United States. A table tent is a cardboard construction that sits on a table; it looks very similar to a miniature sandwich board.

Think outside the restaurant

Perhaps the most common interaction people have with a table tent is when it is announcing the specials at a local restaurant. Of course, these tabletop fixtures don’t have to be restricted to the restaurant industry. Effective table tents in Los Angeles, CA can be used for any industry under the sun. All you need is a table to put them on.

Do you have a waiting room? A table tent can serve as an advertisement for an underutilized service you provide. Do you have a special event coming up? A table tent can lay out the schedule for everything from a wedding to a corporate retreat.

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Kill time while you wait

Even in a world where smartphones can drain an endless amount of time and attention, people will still take some time to explore their surroundings after they take their seats at a bar or table. It’s in these moments that their eyes will inevitably fall on a table tent placed directly in their line of sight. If your table tent has an eye-catching design, that person will take another few seconds to scan the information.

Subliminal messaging

When you sink funds into a TV or radio spot, you’re essentially buying 30 seconds of a potential client’s half-hearted attention. After all, who really pays that much attention when the commercials come on? When you market through a table tent, you’re putting your logo and your services right in front of a consumer for an hour, maybe more. That’s marketing power you can’t buy with a 30-second TV or radio spot.

Imperial Paper Co. is your custom marketing pro

Now that you know how to use your limited marketing budget, it’s time to come to Imperial Paper Co. and let one of our highly-skilled team members turn your marketing dream into a profitable reality. Since 1983, we have offered a vast assortment of custom paper designs for clients from every industry. Effective table tents in Los Angeles, CA, are just one of the services we provide. Find out how Imperial Paper Co. can help you—visit us online or pick up the phone today!

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