Why Your Retail Business Should Use Custom Paper Bags in Los Angeles, CA

Owning your own business is a wonderful feeling. You have an income that comes from working for yourself. You’re your own boss, even if you have to take on a few additional responsibilities for a time, but it’s all worth it. With proper planning and effective marketing techniques, you can produce quality products and reach your financial goals in a reasonable amount of time. Selling a physical product means you’ll need to provide bags to customers to carry their purchases home. Don’t stock ordinary bags—choose bags with your logo printed on them! Here’s why your business should consider ordering custom paper bags in Los Angeles, CA.

Two excellent reasons

Can you guess the top two reasons many big and small businesses today prefer to use printed paper bags? Good-looking, high-quality paper bags can be effective promotional tools and they are eco-friendly, not damaging to the environment. So, since it’s likely that many of your customers will use bags from your store, know that paper is the way to go. Many business owners are well aware of the environmental hazards that haunt the world today, which makes using eco-friendly packaging good for the planet and your brand image. The “green” concept is attractive to consumers, so why not associate your brand with this eco-conscious movement?

Paper beats plastic

Take a poll and you’ll see that a majority of consumers would prefer that shops bag their purchases in paper bags instead of plastic. Paper bags are quickly gaining in popularity, so much so that people have started to turn away the offer of plastic bags to carry their purchases. Luckily for your company, customizing paper bags with an eye-catching marketing message or brand logo is good for business. The customer sees it, as does anyone who sees them carrying the bag.

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Paper bags are economical and eco-friendly

The benefits of using paper bags over plastic bags are numerous, but the top two are that they are economical and eco-friendly. The retail paper bags of today are made from recycled materials that don’t pose harm to the environment. It is also easier to print ink logos, images and messages on a paper surface than a plastic one. Whether small, medium or large, the surface of paper bags is wide enough for printing important business information like the logo, slogan, phone number, website and email. If there’s extra space, you can even print a map of where your business is located.

Plastic bag ban

Many cities and counties in the United States have banned the use of disposable plastic bags. Customers can still get paper bags in-store for their purchases, but are encouraged to bring reusable bags with them when shopping. Reusing paper, plastic or cloth bags means you can avoid paying a plastic bag fee and contributing to landfills. Your business can choose to provide customized paper bags to customers or charge a few cents for recycled ones.

Do you need to order custom paper bags in Los Angeles, CA? Make sure to call Imperial Paper Co. today!