The Mailing and Shipping Supplies in Los Angeles, CA Your Company Can’t Live Without

Any business that does a lot of mailing and shipping would do well to keep a sizable stock of shipping supplies in Los Angeles, CA. A lack of the proper supplies on hand can result in delays that could be an inconvenience for your business at best, and result in you being unable to perform some of your most important operations at worst.

With this in mind, here’s a quick overview of some of the types of mailing and shipping supplies you should be sure to stockpile at your company.

Envelopes and labels

For standard mail, you’ll need to have plenty of #10 (standard-sized) envelopes on hand. However, any documents you send that may contain sensitive information should be mailed with security envelopes, and printed materials and books should use padded mailers. Consider the types of materials you send out via mail and make sure you stock up on all the envelope types you need.

When sending out bulk mailings, boxes and large envelopes, you’ll want to use shipping labels as well, so it’s good to have those on hand.


If you aren’t using custom boxes for your products or other shipping needs, then it’s important for you to try out different sizes of boxes before you select one that you’ll rely on for your shipments. It’s a good idea to have numerous sizes of boxes on hand so you’re prepared for any type of shipment. Sizing the box before shipping is crucial, though, as too small of a box could result in damage if there’s not enough space between the box and its inside contents, and too large of a box could cause the contents to move around during shipping and get damaged.

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Packing fill

Various types of packing fill exist to prevent items inside boxes from moving around and getting damaged during shipping. You can use air pillows, packing peanuts, packing paper, bubble wrap, foam sheets and other types of protective filler that take up space and provide soft surfaces in the event that items do slide around during the shipping process. A good general rule is to have at least two inches of filler on all sides of the box between the box and the item being shipped. With this in mind, you’ll need to keep plenty of filler on hand in your shipping department so you can always make sure you’re fully protecting whatever items you’re shipping.

Packing tape

You’ll need something to seal up your boxes before shipping them, and that means you’re going to be using a whole lot of shipping tape. Make sure you select tape that’s designed to withstand all the stresses of shipping and handling—if the box happens to burst open while being transported because you selected low-quality tape or tape that’s not meant for shipping, that could result in significant losses for your business. A shipping tape dispenser is also a good item to have so you can more effectively tape up your boxes before sending them out.

For more information about selecting mailing and shipping supplies in Los Angeles, CA for your business, contact the team at Imperial Paper Co. today.